Last Sunday during the 10am we celebrated baptism. It was the first baptism St. John’s has celebrated as a community gathered together in the church in a long time. In baptism, vows are made, priorities are focused, and we remember together who we are as people of faith. The liturgy isn’t just for the person seeking baptism, it’s for all of us. We remember who we are as God’s children – God’s beloved – and we promise to do everything we can to support the newly baptized. In baptism, we are washed with water and we are sealed with the sign of the cross traced on our forehead in oil, marking us as Christ’s own, forever.
There are two promises in the Baptismal Covenant which catch my breath every time, because they are simple and straightforward and profound, containing so much potential, so much hope.
“Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?”
“Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?”
The next time you catch a glimpse of the ocean or a river, the next time you jump into a pool or splash water on your face or place your hands under running water, let the water remind you of who you are – God’s beloved, and remember that you have promised to live your life serving Christ in each other, offering love, working for justice and peace, and respecting the dignity of every human being.